Ordering from Vretta
Ordering information
You can view the list of hard-bound OpenStax textbooks along with their ISBNs and price (in Canadian dollars) by clicking the button below.
View Titles, ISBNs, & PriceYou can request print copies of textbooks, by clicking the button below.
Request Print CopiesYou can also email your purchase orders directly to us at commercial@vretta.com.
Feel free to call us on 1-866-522-9228 extension 118 if you have any questions.
Returning Information
You can return books as per our return policy that you can view by clicking on the button below.
Return PolicyShipping & Applicable Taxes
Prices do not include shipping and taxes. Shipping charges will vary based on quantity ordered and destination. There are no handling fees and the sales taxes will vary based on province.
You will receive a discount of 20% if you order over 10 textbooks for any title. Shipping and taxes are extra.