MathemaTIC is a multilingual, personalized learning environment that provides students with an engaging learning experience to develop a strong foundation and confidence in mathematics.
MathemaTIC is developed through collaborative efforts between content, technology, and research experts from the Luxembourg Ministry of Education (division of SCRIPT), the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Le Centre de gestion informatique de l'éducation, and math educators from the French Ministry of Education (Division of Evaluation, Planning and Performance). To view the information brochure, click here.
MathemaTIC is available in four languages (French, German, Portuguese, and English) to neutralize the “language” challenges in the understanding of mathematics and focus on the acquisition of mathematical reasoning.
MathemaTIC provides students with an individualized learning experience to develop a strong foundation and confidence in mathematics. Every module contains a diagnostic assessment to identify the strengths and areas of improvement for students. It highlights specific items that students need to complete before progressing on to the next one.
The MathemaTIC dashboards provide students with an understanding of their progress and performance throughout the learning experience.