Elevate My Math
Elevate My Math is a highly customizable Assessment for Learning platform used to prepare students for their math courses or for their college math placement test. It can also be customized and used as a placement resource.
Elevate My Math diagnoses students’ strengths and areas of improvement in math skills that are pre-requisites for various post-secondary courses. Upon completing the diagnostic assessment, students upgrade their skills using highly interactive mastery-based modules that provide them with feedback throughout the learning experience. Students complete a summative assessment and download a certificate of achievement that they submit to their professor. To view the information brochure, click here.
Elevate My Math has a customizable framework to suit the required math course. The framework forms the foundation for both the assessment items and the remedial modules. It comprises of two equally important dimensions:
Content Topics and Sub-topics
To ensure that the Assessment for Learning program is custom tailored for the specific requirement of the math course, mathematical topics and sub-topics are identified to form the content dimension of the assessment framework. The framework can be expanded or adapted to suit the needs of a particular college or program to include modules which focus specifically on concepts for business, technology, or programs such as health, and the skilled trades, including topics such as geometry and trigonometry.
Performance Expectation
The assessment items and remedial modules correspond to the broader goals of mathematics teaching and learning: (A) Knowing (B) Applying (C) Reasoning.
The framework is reviewed and finalized by professors of the math course for which the assessment framework is being designed.
The assessment framework forms the basis for identifying assessment items that will be part of the platform. The items are both constructed response (written) and selected response (multiple choice) type. The former provides a more reliable estimate of student ability than the latter because guessing is eliminated and the use of a computerized format enables a range of acceptable responses to be established for each item.
The assessment items are drawn from pools of items to form individual diagnostic and summative tests. The design ensures that the tests are:
- unique for every test taker;
- equally representative of both content and performance expectation dimensions of the assessment framework;
- long enough (i.e. a sufficient number of test items) to enable reliable estimates of test takers’ abilities but short enough to complete in a reasonable length of time.
The interactive, voice-enabled remedial modules have been customized and aligned to the learning objectives of the framework. They provide students with the following learning experiences:
Mastery-based Learning
Topics are broken down to micro-steps for students to visualize and conceptualize and engage with mathematics.
Various types of interactive practice scenarios with feedback mechanisms help students master concepts.
Individualized Learning
Students can progress through the modules and master concepts at their own pace.
Differentiated Learning
Provides teachers with the ability to use the modules in class, or assign them as homework, to enrich the learning experience.